Research interests
Most of my research is concerned with using algebraic topology and homotopical algebra to study geometric spaces and algebraic structures.
- Unstable homotopy theory of topological spaces, rational and p-adic homotopy theory.
- Topology and geometry of free loop spaces, string topology.
- Multiplicative and higher categorical structures in homotopical algebra, cohomological operations, operads.
- Poincaré-Verdier duality, intersection cohomology, topology of singular spaces.
- Topology of complex algebraic varieties, mixed Hodge theory, formality.
Hossein Abbaspour
Marc Aubry
Joana Cirici
Katsuhiko Kuribayashi
Jean-François Le Borgne
Muriel Livernet
Luc Menichi
Alexandru Oancea
Jose-Luis Rodriguez
Martin Saralegi
Jérôme Scherer
Jean-Claude Thomas
Daniel Tanré